Paul's New Testament Epsitles

The New Testament epistles elaborate on and explain the significance of the actions and teachings of Jesus.

This is a fourth century cave painting of Paul, found near ancient Ephesus. This photo is protected by copyright laws; we use it by courtesy of Dan Wallace,

Ephesians 2.8-9 NET: For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so that no one can boast.

1 Corinthians 1.18-2.5 Sermon [6 pages]
Will you respond to God's wisdom in his revelation - the gospel - or rely on the "wisdom" of the world?

1 Corinthians 10.6-13 Teaching [3 pages]
If you are a believer in Christ, then you will never experience a temptation beyond what you can escape or handle! [This was a teaching for the Christian Service Brigade at our church.]

Romans 6.12-23 Analysis [13 pages]
A technical commentary on Romans 6.12-23

Romans 12.1-2 and a Crisis of Submission [15 pages]
Half of this is a look at whether the Greek of Romans 12.1-2 implies the need for a crisis of submission in the life of the believer and the other half is a theological analysis of that concept

Romans 13.1-7 Analysis [12 pages]
A technical commentary on Romans 13.1-7

Romans Analysis [30 pages]
Teaching notes for Romans, based on my study of the English text

Galatians Destination [9 pages]
Paper discussing the likely destination of the epistle to the Galatians

Galatians Analysis [22 pages]
Teaching notes for the epistle to the Galatians

Ephesians 2.1-10 Sermon [7 pages]
Paul shows how lost we really were before Christ, and then not only that we are saved by grace, but saved into something wonderful!

Ephesians 2.11-22 Analysis [16 pages]
A technical commentary on Ephesians 2.11-22

Ephesians 5.22.33 Analysis [17 pages]
A technical commentary on Ephesians 5.22-33

Philemon Study Guide [6 pages]
Five-day per week devotions for three weeks on the letter to Philemon

Philemon Small Group Lessons [15 pages]
Three small group lessons based on Philemon

1 Thessalonians 5.11-18 sermon [6 pages]
Learning how to do life together in the church from what Paul wrote to a church he recently planted.

1 Timothy 6.6-12 sermon [6 pages]
How to find contentment and develop godliness.

2 Timothy 1.1-12 Sermon [7 pages]
Will we live in fear and not witness for Christ or will be tap into the power, love, and self discipline God promises us? [This sermon tied into our VBS themes.]

2 Timothy Analysis [21 pages]
Teaching notes for 2 Timothy, based on my study of the English text