The Gospel of John

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide us with our best historical record of Jesus when he walked the earth. Each of these books has its own historical and theological objectives, so they differ in which aspects of Jesus' life and teaching they include. We can gain from studying each book as a separate literary work, and also by "harmonizing" the four accounts into one "Life of Christ" record.

John Introductory Devotion [2 pages]
Five-day devotion introducing the gospel of John.

John 1.1-2 sermon [5 pages]
Trinitarianism and the triune nature of God.

John 1.1-18 sermon [7 pages]
The identity of Jesus and the dual nature of Christ.

John 1.19-34 sermon [8 pages]
The identity, character, purpose, and testimony of John the Baptist.

John 1.35-51 sermon [8 pages]
Jesus as the Greater Moses prophet, Messiah, Ultimate Davidic King, Eternal High Priest, and Lamb of God.

John 2.1-12 sermon [6 pages]
What we learn about Jesus from his first miraculous sign.

John 2.13-25 sermon [8 pages]
What we learn from Jesus clearing the Temple the first time.

John 3.1-21 sermon [7 pages]
Jesus as the Son of Man and Son of God who gives spiritual life, and how we can receive that life.

John 3.22-36 sermon [7 pages]
Further testimony by John the Baptist about Jesus as the Son sent by God with authority.

John 4.1-42 sermon [7 pages]
Knowing Jesus leads to spiritual life which leads to true worship which leads to obedience and testimony.

John 4.43-54 sermon [6 pages]
What we learn from the miraculous healing of an official's son.

John 5.1-18 sermon [7 pages]
What we learn from Jesus healing a lame man on the Sabbath.

John 5.19-30 sermon [6 pages]
Jesus' sermon about himself: the unity between the Son and the Father; and Christ as the judge.

John 5.31-47 sermon [6 pages]
The testimony of God the Father.

John 6.1-21 sermon [5 pages]
What we learn from Jesus feeding thousands and then calming the storm.

John 6.22-40 sermon [6 pages]
Jesus as the Bread of Life; one wrong way to approach God and one right way which results in an amazing guarantee.

John 6.41-71 sermon [7 pages]
Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus.

John 7.1-36 sermon [7 pages]
Doubt arises from not seeking after God, from false ideas, and superficial obedience.

John 7.37-52 sermon [6 pages]
Jesus offers life giving water through the Holy Spirit, who comes with the New Covenant.

John 7 sermon [7 pages]
Overcoming doubts, questions, confusion, and debate about Jesus.

John 8.12-30 sermon [6 pages]
Jesus as the light of the world.

John 8.31-59 sermon [7 pages]
Jesus as Yahweh and the truth that will set you free.

John 9 sermon [7 pages]
Jesus heals a blind man.

John 10.1-21 sermon [6 pages]
Jesus the good shepherd.

John 10.22-42 sermon [6 pages]
What is the relationship between Jesus and God the Father? Plus a surprise quotation from a psalm.

John 11.1-46 sermon [7 pages]
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, giving us a sign of who he is and what he will do for us.